Mini Session

Frequently asked questions.

What is your Mini Session Cancellation Policy?

Cancellation Policy: If you are no longer able to make it to your booking appointment, you may reschedule or cancel your appointment within 48 hours of your session. Cancellations within 48 hours of your scheduled time may be rescheduled at the photographer's discretion, but cannot be refunded.

Cancellations may be made directly within the booking appointment. You will find a link in your booking confirmation email.

Cancellations made outside the 48 hour limit will automatically be refunded to your credit card of Paypal account. You will receive an email confirmation once this is completed.

How do I contact the photographer for my booking directly?

Your booking confirmation email will include the photographer’s name and contact info. Please contact them directly regarding any questions related to your photography session.

What should my family wear for our photo session?

Generally we recommend classic, solid colored clothing that is complementary in color. That said, we have seen some pretty fun outfits over the years. The main thing to consider is your family session, a yearly “story” or are you looking to create a family portrait for your history. Classic clothing focuses the image on relationship and expression.

We have a large family group, can we book back-to-back sessions?

That is exactly the correct thing to choose. Then we have more time to capture the large group as well as smaller family groups

What about our “fur family” members?

Most of our photographers are animal lovers and delighted to meet your devoted “kids”. You do definitely need to google the location to make sure it is dog friendly. And make sure you have run the squirrelly energy out before the session. Animals, like toddlers, can sometimes be unpredictable but what would family life be without them?

What happens if it rains?

Please contact your photographer directly regarding weather plans. They may have alternate locations, clever solutions or a reschedule opportunity.

Can I change session times on the same day?

If there is an opening on the same day you can log into your booking and “change” to a different open time slot. If you have a specific time consideration you can also reach out to your photographer directly.

What does the session fee include?

Unless noted otherwise in the session description the session fee is the cost for the photographer to create, edit and proof images. They have listed the price of image purchase in the session details.